Alexis Boulin


Phd. Student on extreme and unsupervised learning.

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I am currently a Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter at Ruhr-Universität Bochum working in the team of Axel Bücher. Prior to this, I completed my PhD in Probability and Statistics at the Jean-Alexandre Dieudonné Laboratory of Université Côte d’Azur, working with the Lemon team at INRIA, Montpellier. My research interests focus on extreme value theory and machine learning.


[2] Alexis Boulin. 2023. “A Python Package for Sampling from Copulae: Clayton.” Computo, January. [paper]

[1] Alexis Boulin, Elena Di Bernardino, Thomas Laloë, Gwladys Toulemonde, Non-parametric estimator of a multivariate madogram for missing-data and extreme value framework, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Volume 192, November 2022. [paper]


[3] Alexis Boulin, Estimating Max-Stable Random Vectors with Discrete Spectral Measure using Model-Based Clustering. [arXiv]

[2] Alexis Boulin, Elena Di Bernardino, Thomas Laloë, Gwladys Toulemonde, Identifying regions of concomitant compound precipitation and wind speed extremes over Europe. [arXiv]

[1] Alexis Boulin, Elena Di Bernardino, Thomas Laloë, Gwladys Toulemonde, High-dimensional variable clustering based on sub-asymptotic maxima of a weakly dependent random process. [arXiv]

PhD dissertation

You can view my thesis by clicking the link and slides (in french) are also available.


Statistics and modeling, first year of Master's degree (36 hours)
Statistics and modeling, Second year of Bachelor degree (24 hours)
Statistics and modeling, third year of Bachelor degree (48 hours)
Oral exam in probability theory, third year of Bachelor degree (16 hours)


PhD in mathematics, 2024
Université Côte d'Azur, supervised by Elena Di Bernardino, Thomas Laloë and Gwladys Toulemonde
MSc in statistics and machine learning, 2021
Ensae Paris