
Multivariate extreme value copula or, more generally, extreme value distribution are max-stable random vector with generalized extreme value margins and we may write

\[\mathbb{P}\{ \mathbf{X} \leq \mathbf{x} \} = \exp\{-\Lambda(E \setminus [\mathbf{0}, \mathbf{x}])\},\]

where \(\Lambda\) is a Radon measure on the cone \(E = [0,\infty]^d \setminus \mathbf{0}\). This dependendence structure can be translated with the classical notion of copula, \(C\) is an extreme value copula if

\[C(u) = \exp\{-\ell(-\ln(u_1), \dots, -\ln(u_d))\}, 0 < u_j \leq 1,\]

where \(\ell\) is the stable tail dependence function.

Structure :


AsyMix([theta, psi1, n_sample, dim])

Class for asymmetric mixed model.

AsyNegLog([theta, psi1, psi2, n_sample, dim])

Class for asymmetric negative logistic copula model.

AsymmetricLogistic([theta, n_sample, dim, asy])

Class for multivariate asymmetric logistic copula model.

Bilog([theta, n_sample, dim])

Class for bilogistic distribution model Smith (1990).

HuslerReiss([sigmat, n_sample, dim])

Class for Husler Reiss copula model.

Logistic([theta, n_sample, dim])

Class for multivariate Logistic copula model.

TEV([sigmat, psi1, n_sample, dim])

Class for t extreme value model.